(Svenska) BLITZ

Blitz in-ground R – series

In-ground pit lifts for placement in pits.

Product advantages with the Blitz in-ground pit lift:

* The big advantage is that there is no trolley blocking mobility in the pit.

* Work next to the pit lift can be carried out without disruptions.

* Demands no trolley girder at the edge of the pit, offering considerable savings.

* Only two angle-irons are fitted at the bottom of the pit.

* Offers several lifting capacities: 10, 14 or 20 tons.

* Swift lifting of unloaded lift.

* Air engine pump for lifting loaded lifts.

* Pedal for precision maneuvering.

* Swift lowering of unloaded cylinder.

* Hose reel fitted for compressed air available as an optional choice.

Lifting capacity: 6–20 tons, 2 step cylinder.
Min. height: 970 mm.
Max. height: 2 170 mm.
Bottom width of the pit: 1 000–1 400 mm, 1 300 mm is recommended.

Tjänster du kan få till denna produkt:

Ansvarig säljare:
Kennet Andersson
Telefon: 054-527 85 63
E-post: kennet@fordonslyftar.se


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