(Svenska) DALIS Pit covers

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Steel pit´s

Varumärke(Svenska) BA-produkter

SMT truckbay have two model´s.

– SWL30 with maxload 30 ton.

– SWL60 with maxload 60 ton.

– Up to 32 meter lenght.

– Down to dept 1,6 meter.

– Working width 1,5 meter.

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(Svenska) BA-GROPEN prefabricerad lyftgrop

Varumärke(Svenska) BA-produkter

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BA Work platform

Varumärke(Svenska) BA-produkter
Typ:BA arbetsplattform  

Product advantages with a BA work platform.

* Vertically adjustable platform, providing the right working height every time.

* Rolls on the same angle-iron as the in-ground pit lift.

* Air hydraulic function gives an even and controlled movement.

* Stable work area, 1×1 meter.

* Pedal operated, leaving the operator’s hands free.

* Pneumatic brake.

* Hose reel for the compressed air provision available as an optional choice.

Max. load: 250 kg (10 atm, overpressure)

Min. height: 153 mm

Max. height: 500 mm

Work area: 1 000 x 1 000–1 300 mm

Weight: 80 kg

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